Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Language Barrier

Watching Amelia develop her language skills gives me a newfound sympathy for those who learn English as a second language. I have only studied Romantic languages, but I am sure everything else makes infinitely more sense than English -- except for Greenlandic. Google it, it looks like what happens when Amelia opens the e-mail on my iPhone and starts typing.

Amelia was working on a puzzle yesterday and the piece she wanted had the nerve to be on the opposite side of the coffee table. Determining the path of least resistance is, to my constant amusement, a bit ahead of her cognitive development, so she attempted to climb onto the table to reach it. 

I always take an active role in supporting my daughter and helping her achieve her goals, so I glanced over from my seat on the couch and said, "Go around so you can reach it."

She stopped, took a step away from the table and spun “around” 360 degrees.

Upon completing the turn, she looked at me, her head cocked to the side, and shot me a look that said very clearly, “Well that didn’t help.”

I reached over and handed her the puzzle piece. I am not a Gilmore Girl. Chances are we will never understand each other any better.

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